2022-2023 HAUNTOMANCY ∴ Luxa Strata, Sam Shadow, JJ Reine De Blanc, Revel Ross ∴ PRAGMAGICK2022-2023 HAUNTOMANCY ∴ Luxa Strata, Sam Shadow, JJ Reine De Blanc, Revel Ross ∴ PRAGMAGICK

2022-2023 HAUNTOMANCY ∴ Luxa Strata, Sam Shadow, JJ Reine De Blanc, Revel Ross ∴ PRAGMAGICK2022-2023 HAUNTOMANCY ∴ Luxa Strata, Sam Shadow, JJ Reine De Blanc, Revel Ross ∴ PRAGMAGICK


NOTE: The Audio podcast is different from the liminalstream above. It has been edited (a smidge) with an introduction and musical numbers.

The music you are hearing is from my new album "ASPECTRE" under the moniker ECTOGASM. The music was recorded and performed as a livestreamed audiomancy ritual for my Hauntomancy workings (as explored in my Haunt Manual). I decided to clean it up and create an unrealized filmscore; I named the tracks utilizing various cut-ups of my literary works and ideas. The album is on bandcamp and will have a major release on all streaming platforms this month.

ASPECTRE (Audiomancy From The Unrealized Film) by ECTOGASM

Also, look out for the next audio chapter of the Haunt Manual. The literary divisions of the chapter have been released via my substack: http://keatsross.substack.com

This wonderful chat with Luxa Strata of The Lux Occult Podcast, Sam Shadow of ShadowZone Productions and J.J. Reine De Blanc was casted live late into the night on December 29th, 2022.

We dipped into the raditudes of the multitudes of magnanimous creative works and personal transformation while coyote-cackling about the missives, the mopes and the mal.

I Have taken the time to meticulously hyperlink every project mentioned by any of us that was created in 2022. Every thing we chat about should be listed, in the order they were mentioned, in the shownotes below. I urge everyone to bask in the symphonic detritus of artistic dead skin as we glisten in the moon of new projects! Just check out all the links and subscribe to everyone, okay?

Consider being a Patron to get access to the multitudes of projects no one else gets, like the full Ectogasm album weeks before its release, or the entire Dakota Slim discography, patreon-only streams and panels, the sacred and unsullied discord, and all my crazy musings: http://www.patreon.com/pragmagick For you podcast-preferred types, I have fixed the Spotify glitch that banished over 60 episodes of PRAGMAGICK. Old episodes are pouring in as I get to each one.

2023 is the Year of the Coyote, of the Chaote, and of the trickster creative abandon charged and haunted within us. HOWL & HAUNT ON!

Revel ∴ Keats Ross ∴ Jan. 2023


∴ TALISMANCY ∴ JJ of Reine De Blanc ∴ PRAGMAGICK Halloween Liminalstream: https://youtu.be/lQVbI3vu-JE ∴ The We The Hallowed HAUNTQUINOX '22 hosted by Keats Ross: https://youtu.be/o_5RCqfqNO0 ∴ Sam Shadow's "A Conversation on Magick, Surrealism, Art, and Life": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnntMGNlEH8 ∴ Luxa Strata Bandcamp: https://luxastrata.bandcamp.com/releases ∴ DREAMBOYS OF THE NEW APOCALYPSE (Keats Ross & Steve 'Saroth' Rae): https://wethehallowed.bandcamp.com/track/dream-boy ∴ DETRIT∴US – A W†H VIDEOSIGIL of the AUDIOSIGIL https://youtu.be/lmsV4o

PRAGMAGICK is the AUDIO GRIMOIRE conjured and curated by RocknRoller and Reformed Ruffian Revelator Keats Ross (of Dakota Slim, Revel Rosz) to document and discuss pragmatic and metaphysical concepts that inspire and enhance the creative process.