GLITCHCRAFT ∴ Katelan Foisy & Dr. Vanessa Sinclair ∴ PRAGMAGICKGLITCHCRAFT ∴ Katelan Foisy & Dr. Vanessa Sinclair ∴ PRAGMAGICK

GLITCHCRAFT ∴ Katelan Foisy & Dr. Vanessa Sinclair ∴ PRAGMAGICKGLITCHCRAFT ∴ Katelan Foisy & Dr. Vanessa Sinclair ∴ PRAGMAGICK

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After a deluge of media setbacks it is my esteemed pleasure to finally premiere my wonderful chat with the incredible Katelan Foisy and Dr. Vanessa Sinclair!  We trans-dimensionally wayfare through the glitches and tussles of the metaphysical Cut-Up.  Brion Gysin and William S. Burroughs' pioneering form of artistic witchcraft have inspired many an artwitch, so much so that the cut-up seems to be the final frontier of art - a destination amidst the en sof where all creativity pummels into eachother.    This chat was inspiring to say the least as we weave through Katelan and Vanessa's brilliant interpretations of the craft, coined as glitchcraft by Katelan, and discuss the powerful mental health and healing properties of reckless creation. Its wonderful to discuss things like nostalgiamancy and cutups as a form of time travel, or as Burroughs said, "It is a matter of the future and the past being laid out, so that you can see both the future and the past from the present." Katelan Foisy is a wonderful media mage, illustrator, writer, and tarot diviner. She has worked with the Smashing Pumpkins recently, creating the artwork for William Patrick Corgan's tours by correlating the Fool's Journey within his own nostalgiamancy. Dr. Vanessa Sinclair is friend of the show and half of the jet-setting occultural couple with husband Carl Abrahamsson.  She is a psychologist, a podcaster of the Rendering Unconscious cast, published author and so, so much more. Together they create a symphony of cutup cultures via their CHAOS OF THE THIRD MIND project. ∴∴∴

Katelan Foisy's Links:

Website: https://www.katelanfoisy.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katelanfoisy/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/katelanfoisy ∴∴∴

Vanessa Sinclair's Links:

Website: http://www.drvanessasinclair.net/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/vanessa23carl/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rawsin_/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/rawsin_ ∴∴∴


Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/pragmagick Paypal: http://www.paypal.me/keatsross Keats Ross: http://www.keatsross.com All Pragmagick Links: http://www.pragmagick.com Dakota Slim Audiomancy: http://www.dakotaslim.net WE THE HALLOWED collective: 

PRAGMAGICK is the AUDIO GRIMOIRE conjured and curated by RocknRoller and Reformed Ruffian Revelator Keats Ross (of Dakota Slim, Revel Rosz) to document and discuss pragmatic and metaphysical concepts that inspire and enhance the creative process.