From pragmagick creator and perpetual fuck up, Revel Rosz, comes the Divergent Magick Anarchic Grimoire. A workbook that offers a framework to create, construct, disrupt, and rejuvenate the rites and rituals that form your personal lore. It's Divergent because it doesn't adhere to a single current, reflecting the diverse nature of each person's individuation process. Additionally, it's divergent because the creator is a neurodivergent schemer, always seeking to merge the pragmatic with the magical. The grimoire's 40-plus ritual cycles encompass metaphysical frameworks for various aspects, be it artistic projects, health habits, or creating/deconstructing magickal rituals. Each rite cycle can delve into the neurotic details of a single step, making the grimoire a major rite in itself! The only rule: customize everything! Let this tool assist your anarchic praxis in ritualising the mundane, echoing the profane, and resonating with sacred rites that shape your personal lore. Hardbacks and paperbacks are available on Amazon. Contact PRAGMAGICK-(at)-Gmail-dot-com to be part of the grimoire's own deconstruction and rebirth!
Listen to the PRAGMAGICK podcast and Divergent Magick Grimoire breakdown & introduction: https://wethehallowed.org/divergent-magick-grimoire/
After years of working with Eric Millar and his We The Hallowed Press bouts of independent publishing, I decided I would take a stab at creating custom, blank journals—largely for myself and my endless need of scribble books. I designed a blank journal with PragMagick’s “Austin Osman Spare Planchette” sigil, only the image on the cover, but needed to publish it to the public to get my discounted author copies, so I pummeled through the annoying minutiae of listing it for sale to a general audience. I knew how niche and specific these designs were, and had no expectation about them selling. The simple praxis of self-publishing these wholly custom journals got me itchy about all the publishing projects from the early We The Hallowed era. Hell, even Revelator Rosz, my rebirthed moniker reinvigorated by the Prospectre Ritual, is still listed as an author to the first ever We The Hallowed zine.
Dissolving the internal dissonance I’ve felt with We The Hallowed as a magickal apparatus of late, echoing its ethos of anarchic revelries of shared metaphysical creations, and finally, resounding in the thirdscene of both made new—allowed me to construct this anarchic grimoire, this workbook, this rubric for user-created ritual construction.
The Grimoire is simple. The book gives space for the aspects of a rite, it gives space for the ruminations and visitations of a rite’s attempts, space to catalogue a personal sigil alphabet, and, most importantly, it introduces the “Disolver ∴ Eco ∴ Resonar” method to assist in ritual ruination, reconstruction and rebirth of all of the above. This very chapter of the Haunt Manual was guided by this D∴E∴R∴ method—as the Spectre of 2017 dissolves, the Aspectre of a thought lost self echoes, and the resonance of these workings haunt on through the Prospectre of self and future works…
My aims of this Grimoire are threefold:
1) To hone and construct my own ritual processes within an organized schema
2) To have this become the backbone for a resurgence in community driven magicks
3) To deconstruct & rebirth new schema for updated volumes.

I am also happy to include erudite notes on the schema terminology from creator, and invaluable print-aide, Elena (SorcerersHomie) who illustrate the terms succinctly:
Praxis: Rite, ritual, practice, cycle.
Tethers: Additional notes that don't entirely belong to the other sections of the praxis.
Intention: Succinctly articulated objective of the praxis.
Spectres: [Note to self] Go read Keats' entry on this as well as the
These are external or internal contacts—deities, spirits, intelligences, saints, notions i.e., "certain musicians' pathos," etc., with whom you wish to parlay your intentions.
Talismans: Physical objects to be utilized in the rite. These may be tools for some specific purpose or items used symbolically toward the aims of sympathetic magic.
Invo/evocation Sequence: A distillation of the rite's sequence into nine distinct steps. For best results, they should be comprehensible to a second person.
Sigil: A symbolized representation of the praxis (via the usual means).
Declarations: The praxis' "prayers, chants, decrees, etc." or the song's lyrics, mission statement, etc. The text of the rite.
Observations: "Note the conditions within and outside the self. A micro mindfulness meditation to break you away from the fervor of craft creation."
1 Month Later: Reflections after a month.
Disolver: Admissions of obstacles to the rite's work that should be resolved. I think of these as "the trees," as in, "can't see the forest for the trees." Keats writes: "Dissolve them to see past [them]" in this section.
Eco: "What do you need to keep performing? These are actions; these are movements. Roar the elements that worked to have them amplified and repeat!" Josephine [McCarthy] always reminds us patterning strengthens ritual actions. Knowing this, what actions will you repeat in future?
Resonar: "A revelatory whim materializes. [...] What is it you hope wallows and lingers on from the praxis?" What epiphanies from the praxis process our outcome will you carry with you? What do you want to ring out in perpetuity? K also adds: "Haunt • Emanate • Unify • Resolve." Many potential meanings to Resonar.
Derek Hunter, whom just recently released his long toiled-with meta-fiction concerning the Shakespeare Authorship Question, Anonymous Agnostic Antichrists, had some wonderful words concerning the grimoire that I wish to share here. I enjoy his reading of the work for one major theme that I had not the foresight to promote, but the hindsight to wholly accept concerning the grimoire: It’s not about results. It’s about finding the artistry in the process, as once the rites that make up your lore become such a moving and motivating faction soley by the passion of design and deconstruction, results will follow. Such a storied label such as Chaos Magick may find itself unable to fully drape the work due to it’s “results oriented” ethos, as Divergent Magick is a process oriented one:
”[Keats provides an] excellent balance of giving enough to the reader/practitioner to get started, some structure, while also plenty of freedom to explore and follow their own path.
Guidelines if they wish to use them.
The easy to read and use visual structure is great.
He avoids using the word “results”.
Observations instead. Love that. That to me is biggest difference between Divergent Magick and Chaos Magick.
Chaos Magick is Results oriented. People can choose whatever they want to get the results but the focus is still on The Results with a capital R.
Divergent Magick is more about the process with lower case p.
This is what the occult world needs right now, the process over the results.
People in the occult have to admit they are outcasts rather than try to make it seem they are “Success Stories”.
Embrace their fuck-up nature, it’s beautiful. It’s a Cassavetes/R.D. Laing approach to the occult.
Jump in for the ride…”
And to that I say, UP THE pROCESS PUNX!
Here is a liminalstream introduction into the DMG’s anarchic schema:
The Following review was for the short-lived paperback, and the reason why I discontinued its print for now as the margins were goofed by Amazon:
I have since unpublished the paperback version, with plans to re-release after the hardback makes its rounds and I can ensure the paperback’s design elements are suitable. As I’ve said, the grimoire was always meant to be in hardback form first—largely for travel durability and moleskine-like bravado. Also, as Derek Hunter previously stated—I don’t find it nominal to attune the grimoire to ‘Chaos Magick’ as illustrated within this review as the work is process, not result, based. But I digress! I’m very appreciative of this review and their kind words even though I’m a little embarrassed by the paperback’s printing gaffes!
I have plans to make the Ritual Cycles available through many mediums including downloadable prints. If you have a preference on how you would utilize these rite cycles outside of its book form, please contact me and let me know! I’d love to have these available through as many means as possible and with far more customization options for operators.
My hope is that the Divergent Magick Anarchic Grimoire is not only found useful for neuro-divergent and neuro-typical minds alike, but also inspires a community of sharing these anarchic recipes for life in the form of their custom rituals. Perhaps this tome can become the tool to discover the constants, to discover the inherent. Perhaps this is vessel for the intentionally customizable scripture of this self-styled art-religon’s “Tethers?” We shall see.
Please reach out to me with any questions, and especially, if you’d like a DMG at an artist’s discount and/or to be a part of the burgeoning community that will share anarchic rites by utilizing this schema as a foundational text.
Haunt on,
Revel∴ Keats Rosz
Excited to get this in my hands!