Theophilos Peleus of Logos Of Ophiel | LOGOS | Pragmagick #8Theophilos Peleus of Logos Of Ophiel | LOGOS | Pragmagick #8

Theophilos Peleus of Logos Of Ophiel | LOGOS | Pragmagick #8Theophilos Peleus of Logos Of Ophiel | LOGOS | Pragmagick #8


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In This Episode of The PRAGMAGICK Occult Podcast...

"LOGOS" - the word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order... Revel (my nom de - whatever) is short for Revelator. Revelator was humorously bestowed on me as a slight of sorts and not of any occult or biblical reference.  The name was meant to  poke fun about my crooked past filled with drug fueled and drunken ego trips, and their careless revels and inebriated revelations. hence the emphasis on the literal meaning of Revel.  However, I've spent the last five years or so pursuing the Occult and the LOGOS, so to speak, attempting to reveal the "Logos," or metaphysical truth within my redemptive story arc.  Now, it's only fitting that my current trajectory in metaphysics is looking to rectify the sardonic aspect of my identity and create a channel to truth.  To make my nickname less a sarcastic tag and more of a purpose-filled title. Upon discovering Robert A. Powell's Occult Oriented Youtube channel, LOGOS OF OPHIEL, I was gifted a psychic gut punch.  I have recently been taking my metaphysical studies quite seriously, recalibrating my personal magickal modes and diodes to allow for more reverence of occult traditions.  Therefore, when Robert contacted me about appearing on this podcast, I was relieved to find that his reach was revelatory; dispatched and parallel to my pursuits.  His Youtube videos have become a consistently unpretentious and enlightening source that is wholly uncommon among the marketing-minded Nu-Gurus abound on the video platform. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLZ5KGejO0w&w=560&h=315] We also pontificate on the paranormal and how the supernatural sightings of his work in PATH INVESTIGATIONS informed his understanding about the Paranormal.  That is, the psychic echoes and detritus we humans leave behind when we ascend from this mortal coil. I must admit, I was a little weary of the conversation's veer into the state of modern masculinity and it's political and philosophical affects. I do think Robert comes to some valid points. That is, concerning the lack of discipline and tradition abound in my own personal and philosophical path.  And that's really at the core of our discussion: rectifying bad magickal habits that only self-taught and irreverent punks like me accrue!

I've recently come to half-jokingly calling myself a "reformed" or "reforming Chaos Magician" due to the habits I've accrued over the years within my metaphysical and philosophical path.

I absolutely still practice a form of the individualist method and rebellion that Chaos Magick is mired in, however, as far as knowledge retention and practice is concerned there was something missing.

As a kid I was empowered by the rebel rousers and Punks such as BurroughsPsychick TV and other luminaries that contributed to the Metzger-era Disinfo era (of which I later became a contributor of, but more on that and the end of the platform on next week's episode with

PRAGMAGICK is the AUDIO GRIMOIRE conjured and curated by RocknRoller and Reformed Ruffian Revelator Keats Ross (of Dakota Slim, Revel Rosz) to document and discuss pragmatic and metaphysical concepts that inspire and enhance the creative process.