The Dimming Room Tapes
Introducing A New Analog Audiomancy Series of Cassette Shadows, Spectres & Spells
I’m waiting on a special talisman to arrive (more on this below) before releasing Part 3 of 2023’s Hauntomancy round-out and 2024’s Hallowed Prospectre. In the meantime, I released the first in what I hope to be a continuing series of analog audiomancy casts & accompanying videomancy via PRAGMAGICK entitled The Dimming Room Tapes…
Haunt on, O’ Prospectre of twenty-twenty four; Haunt on, young haunt, and crown the aeon of Neither, Either/Or!
(Above) The Videomancy component to the Analog Audio Sigil. Please subscribe, like and share the PRAGMAGICK youtube if you wish to support!
At the end of 2023 I decided to exalt the Aspectre’s Hauntomantic tape experiments by constructing a fully analog (recorded & compiled) podckast series titled The Dimming Room Tapes (or the Ex-Hex Kassette).1
This process of constructing such analog sound magicks casted into the aether of the modern ‘podcasting’ current is emblematic of a hauntological return to the magnetic and somatic praxis within this broadcasting current—a current dominated by digital production and non-linear editing.
Throughout my years working within the podcasting paradigm, I’ve experimented with various production techniques and episode formatting—largely trying to instill an artistic and magickal effort into the minutiae of PRAGMAGICK. From full audiomancy episodes, entire albums, deeply constructed and produced journalistic broadcasts, and even audio chapters of this very Haunt Manual—I’m always injecting inspired gusts of change within this largely journalistic current. Committing an Audio Sigil broadcast to tape was both a natural resolve as an experimental creator, as well as a synchronous communion within my Hauntomancy Magicks I’ve spent over a year performing. I’ve long worked within Audio Sigils, both personally and collectively, so it was only a matter of time before constructing one that collectively works with the self and its many spectres!
My aim, in 2024, is to treat this and all public currents of artistry as a Dharmic Vajra, and continue to wield heavy art and musings as gilded thunderbolts straight from the sternum.2
(Below) The Analog Audio Sigil via Spotify. Please subscribe, like, rate and/or share the PRAGMAGICK podcst if you wish to support!
Where are the missives? The gaffes? The beautiful mistakes? Let’s exhalt the human error modernity so fervently wishes to rid of, the humanity built within the dharmic vajra of the artistic medium, and reinvigorate the somatic atmospheres within personal bouts and missives that make life so wonderfully bittersweet. As 2023 draws to a close, I am saddled with my own divergent and anarchic magicks, audiomancy and deep musings I mean to consort in 2024… quote from the Dimming Room Tapes’ Ex-Hex Kassette
What better way to exalt 2023’s Aspectre Archetype of the “mad tinkerer” than reinvigorating the medium with archaic, clumsy and saturated somatic and magnetic resonance? The cassette itself is a vajra, a Spectre Sceptre—a perfect talisman that contains levels upon levels of intention throughout its feverish processes! Processes that are largely outmoded, outdated and forgotten at the altar of modern production ease—processes that hold far more weight for magickal means by their sweat equity within their struggle-bussing and creative tact!
Notes on The Ex-Hex Kassette
My December 24th & 25th live, improvised Audiomancy sessions tether the entire piece. I even managed to painstakingly splice in the Video Sigil component (below) of those sessions within the Videomancy of this Dimming Room Tape episode.
Both the Spectre & Aspectre are directly consulted via the inclusion of a New Years Eve 2004 cassette recording of my self-spectre, Travis, ushering in the New Year 20 years ago. Through the Hauntomancy of digging and bridging lost aspects of self and a direct past via time coordinates, I’ve discovered how detached and removed I am from the objective atmosphere riddled within those tapes. Over a field recording of a saxophone busker at the Seattle Westlake train station recorded last month, I committed some brash and vulnerable observations of this young “Travis” and how much I masked my sad and disgruntled being-ness with petulance and over-confidence in my youth—true shadow work illustrated within (and literally with my cassette sample of the Shadow’s Phantom Voice radioplay episode).
The tape includes never released live tape demos of songs both composed and completely improvised. “Many Named” is an ever-evolving Revel Rosz tune that I committed to cassette tape late night with lyrics concerning a forlorn lover’s ghost escaping Keter to visit a love, but the “yell hounds” and “muckle black tykes” are on his tail to bring him back. “Father Karras” was a live demo that utilizes 1973 ‘s Friedkin Exorcist’s protagonist (played by Jason Miller) as an archetype of the scientific skeptic, but man-of-the-cloth, as a vessel to illustrate my ongoing contradictory struggles within faith (as illustrated by my rambling preamble over Mary McKeever’s improvised Cm piano and harmonica piece I snuck recorded to tape while she was writing in the Dimming Room).
I also include audio (and video) of the 4/8/23 Listening Post Alpha initiatory Spiritbox Session that introduced me to Little Wind, my creative guide, while I read the Little Wind excerpt of my last Haunt Manual chapter.
Both “Hymn to Little Wind” and “I’ll Be In Heaven Again” are significant because the usually channeled glossolalia throughout my audiomancy rituals became lyrically erudite, over the usual over improvised music, within this first Dim Session working with Little Wind back in May 2023. I find the lyrics to the latter “Heaven” tune to be extremely revealing, forever remembering the trance of deft vexation as they left my chest. This somber and discordant folk improv discusses my existential struggles of the rat-race while lamenting “by hell or high-water I’ll be in heaven again.” A sobering and snarky reminder that the oblivion of drug use is always there if I fail at my drive to become healthy and simpatico with the world. A humble vexation to remind myself that life has been far, far worse than whatever prescient struggles I am in the throes of.
After the Analog Audio Sigil’s following track listing, I will go in depth on the Divergent Magick Grimoire section!
DRT01 ∴ Contents & Track Listing By Tape Side
∴ All musick heard was performed live & recorded live to 4 track cassette tape.
∴ Computers were only used for final sound quality (much to my chagrin!) and distribution.
∴ The 2023 Videosigil Vigil live Audiomancy (Sound Magick) Dim Sessions tether the piece throughout. If a track is not noted, it is from this audiomancy session.
∆ Poetry recitations by Jenny Rocky, AKA Lily Gilder, with backing tracks by Revel Rosz. See growing document of Lily Gilder recitations at:

“Many Named” live 4track demo by Revel Rosz
Hauntological Audio Artifact (tape) of the host 20 years ago on NYE in Los Angeles
December Dim Session Audiomancy Begins tethering with introductory words by Revel Rosz on tape
“The Shadow – The Phantom Voice” compiled from Cassette Release
Westlake Station, Seattle field recording by Revel Rosz with “Shadow Work” words recorded to tape
Mary McKeever’s improvised Cm Harmonica & Piano recorded to tape by Revel Rosz
“Faith” ramble by Revel Rosz from a Patreon Only Stream composed in November 2023
“Father Karras” live 4 track demo by Revel Rosz
“It Needed Tending Anyway” Poem by Jenny Rocky ∆
Introduction of Little Wind read by Revel Rosz from the “Haunt of the Aspectre” chapter of Haunt Manual
4/8/23 LPA initiation Spiritbox session clip of Little Wind’s name
“Hymn To Little Wind” channeled lyric audiomancy session recorded live on 4track
Barry Admanson “Mr. Eddy’s Theme” from the Lost Highway Soundtrack taken from an old cassette mix (NOT included in the Videomancy Component)3
December Audiomancy Dim Sessions return to tether Side B
Culmination of 2023’s Shadow work, faith and the Spectre of ‘Travis’ words recorded on tape
DIVERGENT MAGICK GRIMOIRE introduction recorded to tape
Clip of “December Dim Session Liminalstream” of Revel Rosz discussing the Divergent Magick Grimoire
“Dajjal” live 4 track demo by Revel Rosz
“Donuts in the Rain With Erica” Poem by Jenny Rocky ∆
“I’ll Be In Heaven Again” Channeled Lyric Audiomancy recorded Live to 4track tape
I aim to marry true communion with the thirdmind of neither analog, either/or digital in my audiomantic works, but both with intentional and ritualistic means and to charge the vajra of the podcast medium’s digital omnipotence with potent somatick & magnetick magicks!
DIVERGENT MAGICK: An Anarchic Grimoire for Ritual Creation, Ruination & Rebirth
As for some other huge creative prospects in 2024… this year will also be the year of the Divergent Magick Anarchic Grimoire!
The following is more information about the section included on the Audio Sigil. I will have a separate and more thorough post next Haunt Manual chapter.
I spent a few arduous months designing a workbook and schema of ritual cycle outlines for practitioner customization—rituals, or rites, big or small, pragmatic or magickal, that folks can utilize to document, organize and even deconstruct the rituals that build their personal lore.
I devised this grimoire for personal use as I have been using these Rite Cycles personally, even constructing this very analog audiomancy sigil (pictured above). This has come from a place of personal construction and use— within a communion of my own neuro-divergence and need for organization. Every Rite Cycle includes my Disolver Eco Resonar method outline for ritual deconstruction and refinement, and has become synonymous with my many art projects, health struggles and metaphysical dalliances as a means to fulfil intentions and transcend various roadblocks.
I published it, quietly, via Amazon in hopes to get it in the hands of patrons and friends by the holidays, alas, I am still waiting on my copies which should arrive next week (after almost a full month of waiting since publishing!) Once I have the initial pressing of the hardback and the print gaffes aren’t too many, I will be publishing and promoting it far and wide!
I am letting folks know through buried promotion within this analog audiomancy sigil, and here on Haunt Manual, with the caveat that this pressing hasn’t been fully inspected as of yet—patrons and friends dug the possibility of owning a rare misprint anyhow, so I figure it wouldn’t hurt to share its Amazon link:
The Divergent Magick Anarchic Grimoire was composed to assist pragmatic artists and/or magickal practitioners in organizing, creating, and deconstructing the rituals, big and small, that make your own personal folklore!:
I’ve found my personal use of the PRAGMAGICK blank journal as a great way to further sketch my magicks for clean documentation within the grimoire ritual cycles:
Thanks to all who have (and continue to) support these heavy saunters within my many artistic mediums! I’ve realized how little of myself I am able to be outside of these musings and meditations, or how little of myself was ever known to others outside of these artistic works—so your support continues the allowance for me to be me, whichever spectre that m’aii-be.
Revl∴ Keats Rosz
I want to give a big thanks to Eric J. Millar for his invaluable partnership in weathering the proud tides of human error. And of course, all the amazing patrons that have stayed with me as I swayed these past couple of months. Thank you Temple of Babalon Choronzon (Bobby, Leah, Stashia & Groucho), Saroth The Mage, Sam Shadow, Lya & Azure Edwards, JJ Reine De Blanc, Jenny Rocky, SorcerersHomie, Cal Desmond Pearson, Alex Leadbetter, Bibi, CW Chanter, Jonicide, Jilly Beans, Corrie Anne, Spooky, Derek Hunter, Carl Abrahammson, Tony Davis, Arnemancy and you, dear ghost, for your ongoing support.
NEXT HAUNT MANUAL: The Hallowed Prospectre of 2024
“…Here’s to the exaltation of Mother Death, rogue saint of prosperous change, in the aeon of neither-either-or!”
Originally titled EX-HEX KASSETTE series from my past series of EX-HEX & VEX liminalstreams, however I decided to forgoe that series name due to possible confusion with a modern musical group called Ex-Hex.
From SPECTRE ASPECTRE PROSPECTRE Haunt Manual: “I’d like to consider my Audiomantic Artifacts, Musick Gris-Gris, as Sceptres (A communion of Spectre and Scepter) as Vajra (Dharmic legendary and ritual weapons, symbolizing indestructibility and an irresistible force)”
This short Lost Highway soundtrack sample from a teenage mixtape was removed in the videomancy component due to copyright issues (even though it’s less than 10 seconds!)